Give Me a Minute set up and use instructions
Configuring GPIO as input on the micro:bit
Setting GPIOs on the micro:bit edge connector
C++ on the micro:bit v2 using Codal
Writing tests for Micropython on the BBC micro:bit
Logic level converter between an Arduino Uno and micro:bit using a FET transistor
Using the micro:bit to detect electrical current
making flex-sense
Setting up a micropython editor with the BBC micro:bit v2 on Linux
micro:bit c toolchain explained, part 2. yotta, file locations
Using a microbit to control a servo motor
BBC micro:bit guinea pig timed feeder instructions
BBC micro:bit wrist holders
Automating loading micropython code to the BBC micro:bit in Linux
Powering the BBC micro:bit with a 5V power bank
Running handShake in administrator mode to operate Grid 3
Connecting the BBC micro:bit to Windows and adding code to it
micro:bit C toolchain explained, part 1. ninja & cmake.
Communication Matters Conference 2019
Using the microbit to control switch access software
Switching a 5V DC motor with a microbit.
Measuring the BBC micro:bit LED current draw
Give me a minute - indicating when eye tracker software is in use
Real time accelerometer display from three BBC Micro:bits
Using udev to remove the need for sudo with the BBC Micro:bit
Zombie BBC micro:bit serial ports created when using pyocd-gdbserver --persist
Eclipse, yotta, C/C++ and the BBC Micro:bit
Setting up yotta and C with the BBC micro:bit by modifying the examples directory
Getting the BBC Micro:bit radio to work with the mbed online C/C++ compiler
Enabling the analog to digital converter (ADC) on the BBC Micro:bit using C/C++
Bash script to mount and unmount a BBC Micro:bit
eyeBlink - enabling natural two way conversation with somebody who uses an eyetracker
how to configure the accelerometer range on the microbit using micropython
Legacy Handshake set up instructions