Automating loading micropython code to the BBC micro:bit in Linux
Last updated: Jan 11, 2023
When I edit micropython for a microbit project, I want the code to automagically load onto the microbit each time that I save the code. Then I want to see any messages from the microbit displayed. I worked out a toolchain that does this under Linux.
I summarise the toolchain in the next section, then go through each step in more detail.
For the examples in this post, I am editing a file called ‘’.
Use your favourite editor for creating your code with. The toolchain to load the code to the microbit kicks off when you save the file.
There are four tools needed to automate the process.
- A script to locate and mount the microbit. I wrote a blog post about this script here.
- The uflash utility to write the micropython file to the microbit.
- screen terminal to display messages from the microbit
- inotifywait command to monitor the micropython file being edited
Use pip to install this. Details are in the link given earlier in this post. To load to an attached microbit, simply type:
Using virtual environments makes my life easier, so I use one for my microbit programming. There are plenty of blog posts detailing how to set up and use these.
script to attach a microbit
I wrote a blog post on how to create a script that automatically locates and mounts a microbit here. This script is aliased to mm and md in my .bashrc file to mount a microbit and dismount a microbit.
screen is built in to most Linux distros, so I use it here. This connects to the port that is in use by the microbit and displays any output from the microbit.
You need to know what port your microbit is attached to though. On my laptop this is often /dev/ttyACM3, which I use in the example below.
I present a script in the next section to automatically find the port that the microbit is connected to and fire up a screen connection using this.
To fire up the connection manually, if you know the port (in this example /dev/ttyACM3) use:
screen /dev/ttyACM3 115200
Remember to kill screen without leaving it running in the background by using:
control-a k
One potential problem with screen, is that it is easy to ‘detach’ from screen instead of ending the process, which leaves an instance of screen running invisibly which is attached to the same port as the microbit. When you come to try and run screen or connect to the microbit again, you will see an error like the one below:
can't open device "/dev/ttyACM3"
To find and kill the errant screen instance:
lsof | grep /dev/ttyACM3
If you get something like:
screen 8610 elm 5u CHR 166,3 0t0 5599015 /dev/ttyACM3
You still have a screen instance attached to the port. The PID is the second value in the list, in this case 8610. Kill it using e.g.
kill 8610
One way to prevent this potential problem is to replace screen with another terminal display tool such as gtkterm.
script to automate finding and connecting to the microbit
The python3 script below automates finding a connected microbit. The script starts a screen session on the port that the microbit is connected to.
Find pyboard or microbit and open a terminal.
Created on 4 Nov 2015.
Usage: find\_device \[device\]
Calls screen on "device". If device is not given, looks for /dev/ttyACM\* devices
then /dev/tty.usbmodem\* devices (for MacOS).
import sys
import os
import fnmatch
BAUD = 115200
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
ttymodems = \[sys.argv\[1\]\]
ttymodems = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir('/dev'), 'ttyACM\*')
if len(ttymodems) == 0:
ttymodems = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir('/dev'), 'tty.usbmodem\*')
if len(ttymodems) == 0:
print('Error: no pyboard found.')
ttymodems\[0\] = '/dev/' + ttymodems\[0\]
print('connection at: {}'.format(ttymodems\[0\]))
os.system('screen '+ttymodems\[0\] + ' {}'.format(BAUD))
if \_\_name\_\_ == "\_\_main\_\_":
inotifywait is a command line tool that can be configured to watch a file for a change, then trigger an action. Here we use it to watch for a change in the micropython file being edited. When this file is saved, inotifywait mounts the microbit and flashes the file to it.
If infotifywait is not already installed, then you need to install inotify-tools.
The command to watch a file called for a change, then run the alias mm (to mount the microbit) and to flash the file to the microbit is:
while inotifywait -e modify ; do mm && uflash ; done
I would have formatted the above line as the other code in this post but found that the syntax highlighter plug-in refuses to show the ampersand symbol correctly.
Some editors have the ‘feature’ of ‘kind of’ saving the file you are editing while you are editing it. This creates a new timestamp for the file and activates inotifywait without your saving the file. mu is one of these editors. In this case, I do not use inotify and run the following command from the command line each time I want to flash the updated file. In this example the updated file is called
mm && uflash
but why not use a Makefile
Makefiles are typically used to build programming projects, detailing the dependencies of each component. The file is run when ‘make’ is typed on the command line.
The one-liner command using inotifywait is fine for this simple example where we are editing a single file. Which is most of what I do with the microbit and micropython. Makefile comes into its own for more complex builds involving multiple files. It allows for extra run-time options to be added, e.g. to clean files created by earlier builds.
For completeness, I present a simple Makefile below for this project. Makefile is a useful tool that is worth learning to use for when we have larger projects to build.
I created a Makefile containing commands to mount the microbit to the Linux filesystem, then flash a micropython file to the attached microbit.
An example Makefile is below. Note: Use tabs to create the indents after the line ‘run:’. Or the World Ends. The supporting file is in the same directory as to keep it simple.
./microbit\ mount
In this example, is the script to attach a microbit, detailed above.
uflash is the tool used to write the .py file to the microbit. This is detailed above.
To automate the Makefile being run each time that we save new code, we can use the inotifywait command below:
while inotifywait -e close\_write ; do make; done