how to configure the accelerometer range on the microbit using micropython
Last updated: Jan 24, 2023
This article details how to set the range of sensitivity on the accelerometer on the microbit board using micropython and the i2c interface. I am using v1.7.9 of micropython for the microbit, the mu editor and linux mint v17.
After listening to Joe Finney talk about his role in developing the microbit board I realised I could use it for some of my hand gesture assistive technology work. The accelerometer on the microbit board is an MMA8653FC, data sheet here. There are programming notes for this chip here. The default range for this chip is +/-2g. This can be reconfigured to be +/-4g or +/-8g. For some of the students I work with on gesture recognition I need the higher ranges. So I entered the world of microbit i2c programming. I chose the micropython platform as python is always the ‘second best choice’ for any programming application. Actually, I’m a fan of using C for embedded hardware, but in this case using micropython looked to be fastest way of getting a solution. I used the simple mu editor. Long story short, it’s all about syntax. Thanks go to fizban for his example microbit code to interface a microbit with an lcd display using i2c. After reading this code I fixed the mistake(s) I’d been making. The documentation for the i2c microbit micropython is here.
Here’s my working code:
''' microbit i2c communications with onboard accelerometer '''
from microbit import *
ACC_2G = [0x0e, 0x00]
ACC_4G = [0x0e, 0x01]
ACC_8G = [0x0e, 0x02]
CTRL_REG1_STANDBY = [0x2a, 0x00]
CTRL_REG_1_ACTIVE = [0x2a, 0x01]
PL_THS_REG = [0x14] # returns b'\x84'
PL_BF_ZCOMP = [0x13] # returns b'\44' = 'D'
WHO_AM_I = [0x0d] # returns 0x5a=b'Z'
XYZ_DATA_CFG = [0x0e]
def command(c):
''' send command to accelerometer '''
i2c.write(ACCELEROMETER, bytearray(c))
def i2c_read_acc(register):
''' read accelerometer register '''
i2c.write(ACCELEROMETER, bytearray(register), repeat=True)
read_byte =, 1)
print('read: {}'.format(read_byte))
def main_text():
''' send accelerometer data as a string '''
print('starting main')
counter = 0
while True:
x = accelerometer.get_x()
y = accelerometer.get_y()
z = accelerometer.get_z()
counter = counter + 1
print('{} {} {} {}'.format(counter, x, y, z))
print("sending i2c commands...")
print('reading PL_BF_ZCOMP :')
print('reading WHO_AM_I')
# check the initial accelerometer range
print('reading XYZ_DATA_CFG:')
# change the accelerometer range
print('commands sent')
# check the accelerometer range
print('reading XYZ_DATA_CFG:')
# main_text()
reading PL_BF_ZCOMP :
read: b'D'
reading WHO_AM_I
read: b'Z'
reading XYZ_DATA_CFG:
read: b'\x00'
commands sent
reading XYZ_DATA_CFG:
read: b'\x01'
The onboard accelerometer has an i2c address of 0x1d. There is a good article on how to scan for and verify this address here. I set the variable ACCELEROMETER to be this value in line 4 so that I could refer to it throughout the code without having to remember the hex value. Too many hex values flying around - I’d be bound to make a mistake if I didn’t give them names.
To send a command over i2c, as shown in line 18 of the example code, you need to address the target then send the commands as a bytearray. In this case the target is the accelerometer. Typically we send two bytes to the accelerometer. The first specifies the register we want to change, the second the value we want to write to this register. For example, to set the accelerometer’s range of sensitivity, we need to set the value of the register called XYZ_DATA_CFG to the value that corresponds with the range we are after. The address of this register is 0x0e. To set the +/4G range, we want to set this register to be 0x01. Now the variable I set in line 6 should make sense. Look in the data sheet linked above for more details. Before we can change this register we have to set CTRL_REG1 to be inactive by writing 0x00 to it. After changing the XYZ_DATA_CFG register we have to set CTRL_REG1 to be active again by writing 0x01 to it. This is detailed in the accelerometer application notes which I linked at the start of this article.
If you uncomment the last line, then the raw accelerometer values will stream out. The last column are the values for the z-axis of the accelerometer. Lay the board flat on the table. With the default +/-2g range you will see the z-axis values being around +1024 or -1024 depending on if the board is face up or down. This corresponds to +/-1g on the +/-2g range. Now that the board is set to +/-4g, the values for +/-1 g will be +/-512. The maximum and minimum value for the accelerometer stays as +/-2048, but it is now spread over +/-4g. Similarly, if you go crazy and set the range to be +/-8g, then you will see +/-256 for the z-axis value from the accelerometer for the board laying flat. As you would expect, you have to wave the board harder to get it to max out when you set the sensitivity to the higher ranges compared with the default +/-2g range.
So what about the PL_BF_ZCOMP and WHO_AM_I registers that I read from in lines 43 and 45? These are two read only directories. Reading the values stored in these is a sanity check that the chip is turned on and I have working code. I read the XYZ_DATA_CFG before and after setting it to verify that the sensitivity range has been set. Read up on these registers in the data sheet.
Look at line 23. The repeat=True flag has to be set. This clears the ‘message end’ flag in the write command. The default for this flag is False, which means that the i2c write command has a ‘message end’ flag at the end of it, which terminates the operation. As we want to read from the chip in line 24, we need to not set the ‘message end’ flag. Otherwise you will just read 0xff. Can you guess why? The data line is held high for i2c, so if there is nothing coming out of the chip you are trying to read from, you just read a bunch of ‘1s’. Line 24 means ‘read 1 byte from the device with address ACCELEROMETER’.
Where I initially came unstuck was by sending data as individual bytes, using e.g. b’x0e’ followed by b’x02’ to try and change the XYZ_DATA_CFG register. This looks to be valid for the Adafruit implementation of micropython, but I couldn’t get it work.