python - how to communicate between threads using pydispatcher
Last updated: Jan 24, 2023
The pydispatcher module makes it straight forwards to communicate between different threads in the same process in python.
I am collecting and processing sensor data from an accelerometer and want to display this real-time. The interface has some controls to save the data and to change the sampling rate of the sensor. Naturally, I want to interact with the user interface without having to wait for the sensor data to be collected and processed. I also want the sensor to be continuously sampled, not having to wait for the real-time display to update.
I run the the graphical user interface (GUI) in one thread and use a separate thread to handle getting data from the sensor. This way the sensor is continuously sampled and the display remains responsive.
I use pydispatcher to send sensor measurements from the sensor thread the display thread. I also use pydispatcher to communicate from the display thread back to the sensor thread to control the rate that the sensor collects data or to stop data collection. So I have two way communication between the threads. I pass numpy arrays from the sensor thread to the display and send text from the display thread to the sensor thread. The text is then interpreted by the sensor thread to alter the sensor sampling rate, or stop sampling. Pydispatcher does not seem to mind what kind of data is sent as messages.
The application that I have described takes up quite a lot of code and is split over several classes. So I will present the code for a simpler example, which shows how to set up and apply pydispatcher and introduces some of the features that makes the library versatile.
Here is an example python 3 script that creates two threads and has them communicate. When the script is executed, as it will have the name as main, so lines 46-50 will be the first to execute. A thread that instigates the Alice class is defined and created in lines 47-48 and a separate thread that instigates the Bob class is defined then started in lines 49-50.
In line 26 the alice_thread thread prints out a message ‘Alice is procrastinating’ every second.
In line 43 the bob_thread sends a message to the alice_thread every three seconds using a dispatcher. The alice_thread reacts to this dispatcher message by returning a message of her own to the bob_thread using a separate dispatcher.
If we look at line 15 in the Alice class, a dispatcher listener is set up:
dispatcher.connect(self.alice_dispatcher_receive, signal=BOB_SIGNAL, sender=BOB_SENDER)
This means that when a dispatcher.send statement with the signal BOB_SIGNAL and sender BOB_SENDER is executed anywhere else in the process, the method alice_dispatcher will be triggered so long as an instance of the Alice class has been created. In line 43, the Bob class sets up a dispatcher sender, which is designed to trigger the dispatcher listener in the Alice class described above.
dispatcher.send(message='message from Bob', signal=BOB_SIGNAL, sender=BOB_SENDER)
Having signal and sender names for each dispatcher listener and sender is a little confusing at first. Why do we have to define two identifiers for the dispatcher? Being able to define two identifiers allows us to group dispatchers from the same sender, using the sender identifier. Then we can have the same sender class sending different types of signal, for example data from different sensors, each one with the same sender identifier but each one with different signal identifier. This is verbose, but this verbosity makes for unambiguous easy to maintain code.
Lines 6-9 define the names of the signals and senders for Alice and Bob.
When the alice_thread receives a dispatch from the bob_thread thread, she replies with a dispatch sender of her own (line 21). The corresponding dispatch listener is defined in the Bob class in line 33.
''' demonstrate the pydispatch module '''
from pydispatch import dispatcher
import threading
import time
class Alice():
''' alice procrastinates and replies to bob'''
def __init__(self):
print('alice instantiated')
dispatcher.connect(self.alice_dispatcher_receive, signal=BOB_SIGNAL, sender=BOB_SENDER)
def alice_dispatcher_receive(self, message):
''' handle dispatcher'''
print('alice has received message: {}'.format(message))
dispatcher.send(message='thankyou from Alice', signal=ALICE_SIGNAL, sender=ALICE_SENDER)
def alice(self):
''' loop and wait '''
print('Alice is procrastinating')
class Bob():
''' bob contacts alice periodically '''
def __init__(self):
print('Bob instantiated')
dispatcher.connect(self.bob_dispatcher_receive, signal=ALICE_SIGNAL, sender=ALICE_SENDER)
def bob_dispatcher_receive(self, message):
''' handle dispatcher '''
print('bob has received message: {}'.format(message))
def bob(self):
''' loop and send messages using a dispatcher '''
dispatcher.send(message='message from Bob', signal=BOB_SIGNAL, sender=BOB_SENDER)
if __name__ == '__main__':
alice_thread = threading.Thread(target=Alice)
bob_thread = threading.Thread(target=Bob)
alice instantiated
Alice is procrastinating
Bob instantiated
alice has received message: message from Bob
bob has received message: thankyou from Alice
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
alice has received message: message from Bob
bob has received message: thankyou from Alice
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
alice has received message: message from Bob
bob has received message: thankyou from Alice
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
alice has received message: message from Bob
bob has received message: thankyou from Alice
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
Alice is procrastinating
There are different ways to communicate between threads in python. I choose pydispatcher as the library allows me to write code that I can understand when I come back to it 6 months later and I don’t have to worry about the type of message that I am passing between the threads.